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WLIC Learning Zone: Tooling up for resource-sharing, August 23th

Join Us during the IFLA WLIC Conference, to learn about TALARIA and start being involved as an Early Adopter!

WHERE: Session ID: 205
Type: Business Meetings
Room: Dock 16
Organizers: IFLA

WHEN: Wednesday, 23 August, 09:00 – 10:00

Learning Zone 6. Tooling up for resource-sharing: an introduction to the TALARIA software


By the end of this session, participants will:
·         Know about the TALARIA software and how it can support resource sharing initiatives
·         Know how to get involved, either in order to access materials or to help to fulfil requests
Summary: the TALARIA software is a key output of the HERMES project led by volunteers from IFLA’s Document Delivery and Resource Sharing Section, itself building on the RSCVD initiative during the pandemic. It provides a means of fulfilling requests for library materials that cannot be met by other means, and offers a great example of how the library field can work together to deliver access to information for all. The session will focus on the basics of the software and how you can make use of it in your library.
Methodology: draw on a course that has already been developed, and adapt this for the WLIC audience, walking participants step-by-step through the platform, taking questions as they arise.
Necessary prior experience/knowledge: basic familiarity with resource sharing.
Speaker: Silvana Mangiaracina