RSCVD Articles of Governance
October 2023
Article 1. Structure
RSCVD (Resource Sharing during COVID-19) is an initiative of the IFLA Document Delivery & Resource Sharing Section promoted during pandemic emergency. Now is called RSCVD Resource Sharing Collaborative and Voluntary Document Delivery.
RSCVD relies on a network of volunteers to supply, refer, and manage requests from around the world. Without a strong volunteer network, RSCVD ceases to be a sustainable and free service. Due to the nature of RSCVD’s structure, it is intended as a service of last resort when documents cannot be obtained through regular, commonly-used resource sharing networks.
Article 2. Vision and Mission
Vision: The RSCVD initiative shares IFLA’s vision of a strong and united library field powering literate, informed and participative societies.
Mission: RSCVD’s mission is to ensure equal access to information, particularly during times of crisis, through a high-quality, open, free, and collaborative document supply service.
Article 3. Steering Committee
3.1. Responsibilities
3.1.1. Oversee and manage the operations of the RSCVD initiative, including: Developing standard workflows and communications, Trouble-shooting delivery issues, Facilitating communication between requesters and suppliers.
3.1.2. Manage the volunteers of the RSCVD initiative, including: Recruiting and training new volunteers, Regularly communicating with volunteers, Encouraging volunteers to supply materials.
3.1.3. Ensure the continuity and sustainability of the RSCVD initiative.
3.1.4. Provide guidance and feedback for technical development.
3.1.5. Report to the IFLA DDRS Standing Committee on an annual basis.
3.1.6. Promote the initiative, and reach out to the broader community.
3.2. Membership
The membership of the steering committee is composed of:
- 5 representatives from the IFLA DDRS Standing Committee,
- 4 representatives from RSCVD volunteers, and
- an ex-officio Technical Advisor
It is favorable that the members represent geographic and linguistic diversity
3.2.1. Members from volunteers Will have a 2-year term starting September of the year the person becomes a member of the RSCVD Steering Committee and it can be renewed once. In 2023 the membership starts with four members. Two will have renewable terms and two will have only one term. In 2025, two new members will be nominated with a renewable term. Representatives from volunteers need to have at least one year of volunteer experience. The RSCVD volunteers nominate and elect volunteer members.
3.2.2. Members from IFLA DDRS Standing Committee Will have a 2-year term starting September of the year the person becomes a member of the RSCVD Steering Committee and it can be renewed once. The membership is volunteer-based and will be confirmed at the Committee business meeting. When there are more volunteers than available positions, the committee can vote. In 2023 the membership starts with five members. Three will have renewable terms and two will have only one term. In 2025, two new members will be nominated with a renewable term.
3.3. Officers
3.3.1. The Steering Committee will elect a Chair from amongst its members.
3.3.2. The Steering Committee will have an Operations Manager and a Volunteer Manager who will be appointed by the Steering Committee Chair to assist the Chair in his/her responsabilities.
3.4. Meetings
The Steering Committee Chair will schedule monthly meetings.
3.5. Voting
3.5.1. Voting can take place in meetings or asynchronously.
3.5.2. A majority of voting members is required for a valid vote.
3.6. Nomination Process and Election Criteria
3.6.1 Nomination Process
The nomination process follows the below schedule.
- April 1st: RSCVD Steering Committee Chair sends a call for the nomination of candidates from Volunteer Group. A member can be nominated by other members or be self-nominated. The DDRS Standing Committee Chair sends a call for the nomination of candidates from the DDRS Standing Committee. A member can be nominated by other members or be self-nominated.
- June 1st: Nominated volunteers send a letter of interest to the RSCVD Steering Committee Chair by June 1st. The letter must include:
- Personal information (Name, name of the institution, position, etc.) ;
- Contact information (email);
- Nomination status as an IFLA DDRS Standing Committee member or as a representer of a volunteering institution;
- A letter of interest.
- July 1st: RSCVD Steering Committee Chair forwards the nomination to the DDRS Standing Committee Chair
- August: The RSCVD Steering Committee membership will be confirmed during the IFLA WLIC business meeting and the names will be announced after the business meeting.
- September: The RSCVD Steering Committee will have the first meeting with new members and elect the Chair of the RSCVD Steering Committee.
- In case the number of nominations exceeds the number of seats, the IFLA DDRS Standing Committee elects the RSCVD Steering Committee members during the IFLA WLIC business meeting.
- The ballot can include two names representing each group in the RSCVD Steering Committee. (Volunteer Group and DDRS Standing Committee)
- Voters can write on the ballot one name for each of the 2 groups. If the number of nominations from one group does not require an election, the election can proceed only for the group which requires the election.
- The Secretary of DDRS Standing Committee tallies the ballots and the Chair confirms the election results.
- Available seats will be assigned in order of the number of votes the candidates received. (i.e., If two seats are available, the two candidates who received the highest votes will assume the positions.)
- The election will occur during the 1st business meeting. And if there is a tie, the second election will occur during the 2nd business meeting.
- DDRS Standing Committee members who cannot attend the business meeting in person can cast their ballot via email to the Secretary of the DDRS Standing Committee, including the second election if it is needed.
3.6.2. Election Criteria The members representing the IFLA DDRS Standing Committee should be actively participating in the committee work and meetings, especially what is related to the RSCVD project. The members representing volunteers should represent all libraries that are part of the RSCVD volunteers community and that are actively participating in supplying resources to other members. A volunteer does not represent the library where he/she works currently.
Article 4. Amendments to the Articles of Governance
Both the RSCVD Steering Committee and DDRS Standing Committee can propose revisions to the Articles of Governance. Amendments must be approved by a vote of both Committees.